Thursday 5 May 2011

How does music touch your life?

Music definitely shapes our world and brings something to our lives. It touches our souls and surrounds us in one form or another. Should you ever lie in a field and hear no other sound except the breeze, birds or insects, it will be with you always. The next time you’re on a noisy city street and hear a bird sing, you’ll remember that field and that feeling. Remember and wrap yourself in those feelings.

When you listen to a soundtrack from a popular series and hear the notes sound, do you find that you can suddenly remember some of the scenes? Sometimes the sheer poignancy of the music is almost too painful to bear. Have you ever wondered why the same song sung in a different language still evokes similar memories? Well it’s mostly likely down to the lyrics. They fit the music no matter what the language is.

A live band at a private function will set a livelier atmosphere, and make that event more special. Every band has a style of its own, and the interaction of the band and the audience makes every performance an individual experience. For a special occasion, and an event to remember, a live band is a sure way to leave a lasting impression on guests

It can be a blast putting on a live music event. However, if done improperly or without the appropriate considerations, it can quickly go sour! Just remember to know the venue, have plenty of time to promote, book good bands that will bring in fans, and then have those bands rock out in order of worst to best at the show. Oh and don’t forget to end it all with a bang!

Hearing a song again can put us right back in a special moment from our past and make us feel as if we were there all over again.

Not all live bands are lookalikes, in fact some will come on stage and make it part of the act that they don’t look like the band whose music they’re playing. For these bands it’s the music that’s all important, they are paying tribute to the music of their idols. Keeping that music alive to share with an audience is surely the best tribute anyone can pay to an artist.

Not forgetting a mobile DJ or he is someone who will provide you with musical entertainment that will fit your venue or event perfectly. The best will consult with you before the event to make sure that you will not be disappointed that way they can work hand in hand with either a live band or a tribute band as we all know Bands in general will only play 2 sets which will either be 2 x 45 mins or an hour set. Please do not get me wrong some bands will do more hours depending on the cost however the best approach is always to go with a band and then a DJ to finish the night.

Next article will be explaining more on how a DJ and a BAND can work together to give the client value for money.